
Belarus opposition's peaceful protest and its target to kill everyone without distinction (film-investigation)


Exercising the right to freedom of speech and presentation of own point of view, we offer objective observers to get acquainted with the alternative reality of the Belarusian opposition movement, which declares the right to ‘peaceful protest’.

We present to your attention a documentary film-investigation about the paramilitary wing of the ‘democratic Belarusian opposition’, which openly declares its intention to seize power in Belarus by force.

Фильм-расследование телеканала ОНТ «Бесы»

We take this opportunity to reiterate that Belarus is following the path of building a State for the people. Belarusians want to live peacefully on their land without wars and conflicts and without creating problems for their neighbours. Belarusian people are ready to make its contribution to the peaceful settlement of regional conflicts and the building of a new architecture of regional and global security based on the principles of its indivisibility.

The Republic of Belarus is open to building a constructive dialogue with all countries that are ready to conduct it on an equal and mutually respectful basis, taking into account the interests of the parties, based  on respect for the diversity of development paths.

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